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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hola from Barcelona

And here I am, no skin softening face mask, but tapping away at the computer. To set the scene, it’s Sunday evening and the whole family is in our living room. My husband is sitting at the table, reading the paper. I am on the couch, one foot gently bouncing the baby bouncer, where Adam, my five month old is playing happily. It is a cozy set-up in our 80 square metre (800 square feet) apartment in downtown Barcelona.

I marvel at how much my life has changed in just one year. This time last year, I was working seventy hours a week, slipping out of meetings because I was gagging with so-called “morning”sickness (mine lasted all day). Today, I’m on maternity leave, taking care of a beautiful baby boy. Last year, I was scared (so much so, that part of me suspects the nausea was really just serious nerves). Now, I’m a full-time mom, wondering how I’ll manage the transition when I head back to work in two weeks time. The learning curve over the last 12 months has been so great. My life will never be the same and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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