Read the latest in a weekly blog by two seemingly different living the Urban Mommy lifestyle...the other raising her child in Mama Earth style. Every week we'll write about everything from taking herbs during pregnancy, to hiring full-time nannies, AND anything YOU would like to hear about too!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting pregnant (Amy)...

Oh shit. Oh OW! Oh shit.
"Sweetie, you okay? Need me to make you a cup of tea?" "Um, YES please." (My father is British, and tea is the answer for any woes in true Brit tradition!) Oh shit. Oh OWWW. Oh shit shit SHIT!
That's me on May 22nd, 2009. I'm sitting on the toilet in my Dad's Vancouver apartment after a painful day of getting ALL my wisdom teeth removed. I'm holding the pharmacy pregnancy test in my right hand- positive. Oh shit. In my left hand I'm holding the medication I'm supposed to be taking to help the agony of the new deep holes in my mouth. Only now I'm not sure I can take them without damaging this newly realized fetus in my womb. Oh OW!
I let my Dad make me some tea, oblivious to this new shocking discovery. Yes, shocking. My boyfriend and I have been together for only 4 months, and I'm working a $10-an-hour job at an Ayurvedic spa on Saltspring Island. Only a few months before, I'd had a high-paying job as a Program Coordinator at a University, yet left it after a spiritual revelation whilst visiting Saltspring on a yoga retreat. I'd heard a voice in a reiki session tell me to stay on the island.
So I did. I figured I was meant to explore my creativity. Or prepare to go back to school to focus on my career path.
But pregnant?!! Me, a Mom, now?!
I called my boyfriend, who was back on the island, about to go to a dance party. I broke the news cautiously. He cheered on the phone. I was less than sure.
I told him not to tell anyone until we discussed it together more. Did we think we were ready to do this?
I guess he did. He promptly called and told his parents right after he got off the phone with me.
Meanwhile, I suffered the weekend with my parents in silence...contemplating what I felt, feeling agony as I refused to take my pain medication for my teeth, and feeling angry at my boyfriend for telling his parents before we'd agreed to tell anyone.
Finally I told my Mom on the Sunday night, after we'd gone for a beautiful kayak ride. She'd noticed I was quieter than usual. I was confused. I was feeling happy, shock, fear, and the need to share all this emotion. I burst into tears as I told her. I thought she'd be concerned at this unplanned surprise, but instead she grinned and said, "Oh wow, that's wonderful!" I stopped crying- it was? Hmm.
Okay, so I was 30, I'd been eating healthy organic local island food and doing lots of yoga. My body was strong and I'd always wanted to be a Mama. My partner is a handsome East Indian man, and our baby would have such a beautiful cultural mix. Plus, he wanted to be a Dad...a blessing these days. It was true we were in a new relationship and we had lots of kinks to work out, but maybe this would help us to focus our lives and our future plans.
I decided to go for it. Okay...I'm goes...but Oh shit, I'm going to need LOTS of tea!

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